Low yaw reactivity affecting power curve performance

Turbine Model
Senvion MM92
Windfit Feature
Yaw Dynamics
Yaw Dynamics
The client has an undiagnosed underperformance issue on one of his wind farms.
Windfit Findings
Windfit is installed to diagnose the cause of this underperformance. Windfit identifies the turbines to have a very poor yaw reactivity: 17.6° yaw movement amplitude for 2.3 movements per hour.
2: Windfit is installed to diagnose the cause of this underperformance.
Windfit identifies the turbines to have a very poor yaw reactivity: 17.6° yaw movement amplitude for 2.3 movements per hour.
A change in the controller software is then implemented on one of the turbines (turbine 13).
This software change significantly improves the turbine reactivity: 9.5° amplitude for an average of 5.3 movements per hour, gaining a solid 1% AEP in the process.
4: This software change significantly improves the turbine reactivity: 9.5° amplitude for an average of 5.3 movements per hour, gaining a solid 1% AEP in the process.

Correcting north deviation to optimize curtailment strategy

Turbine Model
Nordex N100/2500
Windfit Feature
North Deviation
North Deviation
Windfit is installed on a turbine close to a village. The turbine suffers important AEP losses due to severe sound management at night.
1: Windfit is installed on a turbine close to a village. The turbine suffers important AEP losses due to severe sound management at night.
Since installation Windfit has detected a significant North Deviation of up to 50°, meaning that the turbine shuts down on the incorrect sectors.
2: Since installation Windfit has detected a significant North Deviation of up to 50°, meaning that the turbine shuts down on the incorrect sectors.
A correction on site is carried out to re-configure the turbine to the True North as measured by Windfit.
The turbine operates now with the right parameters to reduce sound emissions and optimise production.

+6.5% AEP gain after rotor imbalance correction

Turbine Model
Gamesa G87 2.0MW
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
Windfit detects an aerodynamic rotor imbalance.
1: Windfit detects an aerodynamic rotor imbalance.
3 months later
Gamesa confirms the diagnosis and corrects a 4° blade pitch offset.
2: Gamesa confirms the diagnosis and corrects a 4° blade pitch offset.
3 weeks later
Windfit measures a gain of +6.5% AEP.
3: Windfit measures a gain of +6.5% AEP.

Windfit detects production drop caused by onsite maintenance

Turbine Model
Nordex N100/2500
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
A large IPP uses Windfit as part of their windturbine maintenance routine to make sure no under-performance goes undetected after on-site activities.
A few weeks after installing Windfit, a very high rotor aerodynamic imbalance is detected. The user is alerted, the AEP loss could be as high as 4%!
2: A few weeks after installing Windfit, a very high rotor aerodynamic imbalance is detected. The user is alerted, the AEP loss could be as high as 4%!
A team is sent on site, finds one of the blades had been misaligned by more than 1.5° during a turbine maintenance activity, and corrects the issue.
3: A team is sent on site, finds one of the blades had been misaligned by more than 1.5° during a turbine maintenance activity, and corrects the issue.
Thanks to Windfit permanent watch and our client's quick reaction, the turbine is now optimised and ready to perform at its best during the windy winter period to come.

+12° yaw misalignment corrected & 4% AEP gained

Turbine Model
Gamesa G97 2MW
Windfit Feature
Yaw Misalignment
Yaw Misalignment
Important +12° YAW misalignment detected by Windfit
1: Important +12° YAW misalignment detected by Windfit
After LIDAR campaign
Windfit diagnosis confirmed with coherent & similar results
1st corrective action applied
Windfit detects that on-site correction has been applied on the wrong direction... aggravating the YAW misalignment!
3: Windfit detects that on-site correction has been applied on the wrong direction... aggravating the YAW misalignment!
Back to normal
4% AEP gain. Performance increased after correction. Windfit kept permanently on turbine to ensure turbine optimization.
4: 4% AEP gain. Performance increased after correction. Windfit kept permanently on turbine to ensure turbine optimization.

Rotor mass imbalance correction

Turbine Model
Nordex N90 2.3MW
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
Windfit detects a high mass imbalance upon installation.
1: Windfit detects a high mass imbalance upon installation.
Our client is alerted and calls Cp.max to balance the rotor.
2: Our client is alerted and calls Cp.max to balance the rotor.
A total of 275 kg weights is added to the blades, significantly decreasing the rotor mass imbalance.
3: A total of 275 kg weights is added to the blades, significantly decreasing the rotor mass imbalance.

1.5% AEP loss detected and corrected in two days

Turbine Model
Enercon E70 2.3MW
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
Windfit detects a rotor imbalance and alerts the operator.
February 4th
The asset manager calls Enercon.
February 5th
The O&M team goes on site and confirms a pitch offset between the three blades.
3: The O&M team goes on site and confirms a pitch offset between the three blades.
The O&M team immediately corrects the issue.
4: The O&M team immediately corrects the issue.

Static yaw misalignment detection and correction

Turbine Model
Gamesa G87 2.0MW
Windfit Feature
Yaw Misalignment
Yaw Misalignment
Windfit detects a significant and stable static yaw misalignment.
1: Windfit detects a significant and stable static yaw misalignment.
A LIDAR campaign on site confirms the yaw misalignment diagnosed by Windfit.
A yaw angle correction of -5.3° is applied to the turbine’s controller, leading to 2.3% immediate AEP gain.
3: A yaw angle correction of -5.3° is applied to the turbine’s controller, leading to 2.3% immediate AEP gain.

Aerodynamic imbalance impacts on wind turbine performance

Turbine Model
Enercon E70 2.3MW
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
May, 11th
Windfit detects an increase of the aerodynamic imbalance.
Shortly after
Sereema's expert team confirms a significant decrease of the wind turbine performance.
2: Sereema's expert team confirms a significant decrease of the wind turbine performance.
The O&M checks the zero angle of the blades and corrects a 3° pitch offset on one of them, which leads to a 6.5% AEP gain.
3: The O&M checks the zero angle of the blades and corrects a 3° pitch offset on one of them, which leads to a 6.5% AEP gain.

A reactive alert system saving clients time and money

Turbine Model
Senvion MM92
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
Windfit is permanently installed on a turbine to monitor its overall performance.
Some months later
Following a maintenance activity, Windfit detects a severe aerodynamic imbalance.
2: Following a maintenance activity, Windfit detects a severe aerodynamic imbalance.
Minutes later
The customer receives a Windfit alert and a site visit is scheduled.
3: The customer receives a Windfit  alert and a site visit  is scheduled.
A week later
A 2° blade misalignment is corrected, avoiding a 4% AEP loss that would otherwise have taken months to detect.

Detection and correction of an important blade misalignment

Turbine Model
Windfit Feature
Rotor Balance
Rotor Balance
Windfit identifies an important Rotor Aerodynamic Imbalance on turbine 6, whereas all other turbines show low levels.
Plan of action
Sereema's technical support team discusses with the wind farm owner the best plan of action to correct this issue.
2: Sereema's technical support team discusses with the wind farm owner the best plan of action to correct this issue.
Pitch angle realignment
The blade pitch angles are checked via laser measurements. Important pitch angle offsets of +0.6° & -0.7° are detected and corrected on 2 blades, reducing the rotor imbalance and vibration levels.
3: The blade pitch angles are checked via laser measurements.
Important pitch angle offsets of +0.6° & -0.7° are detected and corrected on 2 blades, reducing the rotor imbalance and vibration levels.